Ordinances issued during 1973 and earlier. These documents are listed for a quick reference and may not be up to date. If you need an official copy of any item listed here, please contact the City of Ozark.
- 103_Civil_Defense.tif (397.35 Kb)
- 105_Insurance.tif (98.22 Kb)
- 107_Civil_Defense.tif (91.46 Kb)
- 111_Priveledge_TAx.tif (44.13 Kb)
- 111_Priveledge_Tax_OGE.tif (377.7 Kb)
- 112_Plumbing_Inspector.tif (125.02 Kb)
- 113_Street_Cuts.tif (43.56 Kb)
- 114.tif (30.45 Kb)
- 114_OGE_Priveledge_Tax.tif (42.91 Kb)
- 115_Huggins_Ave.tif (122.22 Kb)
- 116_Compensation_Elected_Officials.tif (107.74 Kb)
- 118_Sewer_Extensions.tif (99.86 Kb)
- 119_Occupation_Tax.tif (44.84 Kb)
- 120_Tax_Levy.tif (558.66 Kb)
- 128-130_Tax_Levy.tif (61.21 Kb)
- 135_Planning_commission.tif (112.59 Kb)
- 140_Cable.tif (519.64 Kb)
- 142-146_Tax_Levy.tif (137.44 Kb)
- 142_Water_Sewer.tif (118.3 Kb)
- 152,154,_155_Tax_Levy.tif (60.64 Kb)
- 153_Election_for_City_Clerk.tif (91.21 Kb)
- 156_compensation_Elect_Off.tif (126.2 Kb)
- 157_Subdivision_in_City.tif (859.36 Kb)
- 158_Zoning_Regulations.tif (46.6 Kb)
- 159_Licensing_Motorcycles.tif (65.44 Kb)
- 160_Telephone_Service.tif (95.28 Kb)
- 161_Vacate_th_St.tif (135.47 Kb)
- 162-164_Tax_Levy.tif (68.62 Kb)
- 162_Plumbing_code.tif (181.47 Kb)
- 163_Electrical_Code.tif (111.49 Kb)
- 164_Housing_code.tif (40.78 Kb)
- 164_Priveledge_Tax_OGE.tif (134.16 Kb)
- 165_fire_Code.tif (106.2 Kb)
- 166_Adopt_Natl_Bldg_Code.tif (224.39 Kb)
- 167-171_Tax_Levy.tif (205.46 Kb)
- 172_Compensate_Inspector.tif (152.2 Kb)
- 173.tif (1.79 Mb)
- 173_Sanitation_Ser.tif (291.53 Kb)
- 174_City_clerk_Treasure_Combination.tif (138.18 Kb)
- 175_Water_Rates.tif (2.08 Mb)
- 178_Tax_Levy.tif (24.38 Kb)
- 179_Tax_Levy.tif (24.09 Kb)
- 180_Tax_Levy.tif (24.38 Kb)
- 181_Tax_Levy.tif (56.54 Kb)
- 183_Occupation_Tax.tif (104.3 Kb)
- 184_Rev_Notes.tif (1.08 Mb)
- 186-190_Tax_Levy.tif (115.17 Kb)
- 191_Close_Alley.tif (42.19 Kb)
- 192_Port_Authority.tif (535.67 Kb)
- 1936_Bldg_Code.tif (102.78 Kb)
- 193_Regulates_Sewer_Line_Usage.tif (567.25 Kb)
- 194_Bldg_Code.tif (64.47 Kb)
- 195_Housing_Code.tif (75.64 Kb)
- 196_Plbg_Code.tif (76.98 Kb)
- 202_Bldg_Codes.tif (23.28 Kb)
- 203_Bldg_Codes.tif (23.32 Kb)
- 204_Bldg_Codes.tif (22.68 Kb)
- 205_OGE_Priv_Tax.tif (48.65 Kb)
- 206_Flood_Damage.tif (163.52 Kb)
- 207_Special_Elect_Indust._Bonds.tif (241.66 Kb)
- 208_Dog_Tax.tif (115.9 Kb)
- 209_Industry_Bonds.tif (248.37 Kb)
- 210_Industrial_Dev_Bonds.tif (688.46 Kb)
- 211_Lease_w__Ozark_Manfacturing.tif (139.05 Kb)
- 212_Indust._Bonds.tif (233 Kb)
- 218_Bond_Water_Refund.tif (453.09 Kb)
- 219_OGE_Priv_Tax.tif (41.8 Kb)
- 47_Waterworks_Commission.tif (256.17 Kb)
- 57_Right_Of_Way_to_Thompson.tif (84.96 Kb)
- Amends_106_employee_Insurance.tif (675.4 Kb)
- Resolution_18_Master_Plan.tif (151.27 Kb)
- Tax_Levy.tif (122.72 Kb)