Materials not allowed in waste containers:
- Any type of paint/paint bottles
- Batteries/Motors
- Tires
- Chemicals
- Refrigerators/dishwashers
- Tree limbs/tree stumps
- Dead animals
- Oversized pieces of metal
- Furniture
Brush Pickup
Pick-up is every Thursday. Persons with brush which they need to have removed are asked to call City Hall at 667-2238 by 3pm on the Wednesday before pick-up
Guidelines for brush pick-up
- Loose brush should be bagged.
- Sticks should be bundled or bagged.
- Large limbs should be no more than 6’ in length, large end facing toward street.
- Limbs are to be no larger than 3” in diameter.
- Bags and bundles must weigh less than 30 pounds.
- No cardboard boxes are allowed.
- Pick-up requests must be phoned in.
- No bush/leaves will be picked up in ditches.
To be on the pick-up list, residents will need a blue recycling bin (two are provided by the city and may be picked up at City Hall) and you must inform City Hall of the address for pickup. No glass is allowed. Please rinse out bottles and cans well before placing out for recycling. Recycling is every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Please put out the night before, CARDS has a tendency to run very early in the mornings, that way you avoid being missed.
Yard Sale Regulations
- All yard sale signs must have language clearly delineated on same setting forth:
- The date the sign is first placed at the location.
- The location at which the yard sale is to take place.
- The yard sale permit number
- Yard sale signs shall not be attached to utility poles, government signage or government property
- All yard sale signs must be removed within 24 hours of the ending time of the yard sale.
- No yard sale signs may be place upon private property of others unless express permission is obtained from the owner of such property.