Ordinances issued during 1993. These documents are listed for a quick reference and may not be up to date. If you need an official copy of any item listed here, please contact the City of Ozark.
- 1993-10_Spec_Elect.tif (598.35 Kb)
- 1993-11_Sr._Cit_Discount.tif (100.44 Kb)
- 1993-12_Salary_Adj.tif (59.66 Kb)
- 1993-13_Annexation_Baskin.tif (970.44 Kb)
- 1993-14_Rezone_310_N_29th.tif (48.22 Kb)
- 1993-15_Rezone_1913_W_Comm.tif (116.52 Kb)
- 1993-16_Salary_Adj.tif (58.11 Kb)
- 1993-17Sales_&_Use_Bond.tif (5.29 Mb)
- 1993-18Trustee_Sales_Tax_Bond.tif (114.33 Kb)
- 1993-19Bond_Issue_Authorization.tif (960.21 Kb)
- 1993-20_Tucker_St.tif (48.1 Kb)
- 1993-21_Mobile_Home.tif (82.04 Kb)
- 1993-22_Cable_Rates.tif (185.39 Kb)
- 1993-23_Rezone_408_N_18th.tif (71.28 Kb)
- 1993-24_Zone_Annex_Prop_No._side_of_Airport.tif (153.16 Kb)
- 1993-25-28Tax_Levy.tif (103.3 Kb)
- 1993-29_Sewer_Revenue_Bond.tif (1.35 Mb)
- 1993-2_Waives_Bidding.tif (48.23 Kb)
- 1993-30_Budgt_Adj.tif (133.67 Kb)
- 1993-32_Salary.tif (340.77 Kb)
- 1993-33_1994_Budget.tif (451.15 Kb)
- 1993-3A_Sewer_Penalties_Amends_250.tif (54.72 Kb)
- 1993-3_No._Franklin_co._Fair.tif (56.17 Kb)
- 1993-4_1605_W_School_Rezone.tif (74.7 Kb)
- 1993-5_Audit_Adj.tif (91.78 Kb)
- 1993-6_Sewer_Rates.tif (74.05 Kb)
- 1993-7_Levy_of_1_cent_sales_tax.tif (107 Kb)
- 1993-8_Call_for_Special_Election.tif (116.89 Kb)
- 1993-9_Budget_Adjust.tif (59.04 Kb)