The City of Ozark has a mayor and city council form of government. Elections take place every two years for the city council and every four years for the mayor and city clerk. City council meetings are open to the public and are broadcast on the local cable channel. There is an active planning commission as well.

Ozark’s city sales tax is 2%.

The Mayor’s Office is accessible to the general public daily.


From left to right:
Mayor Roxie Hall, Treasurer / Deputy City Clerk Marla Ward / City Clerk Susan Stevens

Elected Officials

Mayor, Roxie Hall                479-667-2238        

Treasurer/Deputy City Clerk Marla Ward, C.A.M.C.  479- 213-1417

City Clerk Susan Stevens           479-667-2238 

Randy Melton    479-518-0822

Charles Meeker    479-209-0988

David Mahon    479-264-4647

Argest Hyler    479-719-1371

Loren Maier    479-209-0430

Angela Gibson-Harris    479-209-3075

Our City attorney is R. Kevin Barham
111 East Walnut Street, Paris, AR 72853
Phone: 479-963-3996 • Fax: 479-963-2209 • Email:

Jeffrey Allen N.E.C. Building Inspector
479-213-3710 •