State Of The City 2024
We saw great things in our city in 2023. I believe by continuing to work together we will accomplish even greater things in 2024.
We ended the 2023 year with a revenue of $3,370,538.82. Our expenditures for the year totaled $3,133,679.44 leaving a net increase in our general fund of $236,859.38. Anyone wishing more details on the financial stability of the city is welcome to attend the monthly council meetings where the information is handed out each month. The yearly budget meetings normally begin in September.
I want to give you just a few highlights of what the departments accomplished this past year and what we’re working on in 2024.
The volunteer fire department answered 787 calls. One new firefighter and two previous members were added to the department. In 2024, were working to have the water tanker truck in service and adding additional firefighters to the group.
The street department completed paving project on Whitney Drive, Coley Drive, part of N 36th Street and N 12th from Gibson Street to Kelly Street. In 2024 we are working toward installation of two more sections of new fence in Highland Cemetery along with the construction of a pavilion for funeral services on the cemetery grounds.
We also applied for a mitigation grant to replace the bridge on N 29th Street. In August we were awarded the 130k mitigation grant with the city being responsible for 32k. The goal with this project is to help displace the rain water flooding the Pleasant Homes area. Stipulations of this grant include the project be completed by April 1, 2024.
The street department will also expand the sidewalk from the round-a-bout to the gate entering the Ozark Junior High and High School campuses. We currently have students walking to the schools in the ditches or on the roadway. The sidewalk will help to alleviate this safety issue.
We also plan to purchase an asphalt hot box, asphalt milling head and brush hog for the mini excavator. We hope with some of these purchases’ citizens will see a huge difference when filling in pot holes.
The water department has been very busy this past year. Four operators completed requirements to achieve new and higher levels of water and wastewater licenses. The Internet server and cyber security were upgraded in the water offices. There were improvements completed at the water treatment plant as well as new valves installed in the water distribution system. We purchased a compact track loader and brush cutter for safer and more efficient clearing of water and sewer easements. The automated meter reading system was upgraded, the West Tank was cleaned and an ROX inspections was completed on seven water storage tanks. The lead and copper sampling were completed as required every three years. Upgrades were made at the wastewater treatment plant and collection system was upgraded to decrease blockages. The Manhole Rehabilitation Project began with the first 17 manholes relined to improve structural integrity.
This year we’re planning various improvements recommended in the Water Master Plan as well as control valve vault improvements throughout the water distribution system. We’re also planning upgrades to the Love’s pump station and working toward completing the water and sewer digital mapping.
In the police department there were 1,164 reports taken, 154 accident reports, 19 motor assists, 284 warrants served, 343 ordinance warnings, 59 ordinance tickets issued, 419 arrests, 45 juvenile tickets, 131 subpoenas served, 1,390 tickets and 3,469 warnings issued. The 2023 year started with five vacant officer positions. We hired six officers during the year. Three were sent to through the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy. We’ve hired one new officer this year and will be sending two officers through the academy at this time.
Last year, the City of Ozark hosted 48 training classes as well as several meetings. There were officer and agency representatives from all over the United States who came here for training.
Last year, through the support of the community, the police department raised $12,000 and was able to support 80 area children through Shop-with-a-Cop.
At the Ozark Community Center, we increased memberships. We had a revenue goal of $155,500. This was exceeded by $33,500. This is about 16.5% increase over 2022. There were 485 total rentals for the year which is 19.7% increase over 2022. The Putt Putt area is complete and a big hit for party package rentals. There has been more art work added to the center. Our community center was represented at the Touch-A-Truck event, Scare on the Square, and Christmas on the Square and were recognized as being a partner with Toys for Tots.
In 2024, our goal is to open the fitness area, host more holiday events, increase rentals and memberships and collaborate with area schools to bring more family days and begin a reward program for students as incentives.
In March we again were the starting point for the “Run for the Fallen”. The streets were lined with flags and citizens cheering on the runners as they passed. We are very blessed to host the start of this event here in Ozark.
In July we had a very successful new event in conjunction with OAYO and local businesses. The Touch-a-Truck event was a great way for families to have a fun free event. There were approximately 150 in attendance. I think this was great for the first time.
In August of 2023, something that we all had been waiting on, Hwy 64 was resurfaced through the city limits. This project was completed by ARDOT and the Forsgren company. They did a fantastic job!
In November, another new event that was free to families was held in conjunction with Main Street Ozark and the Ozark Area Chamber of Commerce. “Light Up the Square” was a great event featuring the award-winning Ozark High School Stage Band. There was a great turnout to show off the square full of lights.
We are very grateful to have a major, new retail business in Ozark, Tractor Supply. They opened to the public on Black Friday.
We have received an $80,000 grant from Arkansas Parks and Tourism. The city will match this grant for improvements at the Westside City Park. We plan improvements to the restrooms and, hopefully, add playground equipment near the splash pad. The original request was for $150,000 but we are grateful for what we were awarded. This will make a difference.
Jordan’s Convenient Store has bought property on Hillbilly Loop and plans for groundbreaking should be coming shortly.
We are also looking forward to breaking ground on a new Food Pantry for our area.
A project we’ve unfortunately, been working on since before my term began is the Kimbrough building downtown. Our goal is to see this building is cleaned up this year.
As you can see, several projects are ongoing this year already with many more to come.
Ozark is a great place with lots of possibility. Working together great things can happen. I want the citizens to be informed of things going on. Through the use of radio, newspaper and social media this will happen. I would love to see more people volunteer to see how things go on for our area events. There is always help needed. I would like for you to ask questions before assuming and hear the answers for yourself. We can learn from our mistakes and the events of the past. Let’s move forward together for a better Ozark.